stream data transmission

英 [striːm ˈdeɪtə trænzˈmɪʃn] 美 [striːm ˈdeɪtə trænzˈmɪʃn]

网络  流式数据传输; 数据流传输; 流数据传输



  1. Although streaming media technology is widely used, its multimedia stream playback quality is low because of data transmission delay and jitter.
  2. It states how to use Java object-stream technology to simplify data transmission and improve systematic dependability in Internet/ Intranet-based cooperative system. As an application case, it discusses several questions in the course of development.
  3. The article mainly studies the bit stream formats of H.323 terminal on IP network and H.321 terminal on B-ISDN. Through gateway, two terminals implement data stream conversion between different transmission format.
  4. DCMP is the main stream mechanism in the field of data transmission among computers which run on different platforms. Grassroots management, MIS& data communication
  5. Whatever data frame structure of exist serial devices, DAS transparently implements the transformation between serial interface data fea-tured by stream transmission and network interface data featured by datagram transmission.
  6. It copies the original data stream to several parallel data streams, spreads them in both time and frequency domain, then modulates them to orthogonal sub-carriers for transmission.
  7. The data stream is imported by the UART of SCM from RS232 and is packed here to be transmitted into the bluetooth device. Stream control is adopted in the process of data transmission.
  8. IETF proposed a new transport protocol: Stream Control Transmission Protocol ( SCTP) in 2000. SCTP has such novel characters as multi-homing, multi-streaming, partially reliable data transmission and "Cookie" mechanism.
  9. As the encryption and decryption method of stream cipher is simple, it is very suitable for the high real-time streaming data transmission requirements of confidentiality.
  10. The compressed encoding audio and video data stream is becoming the principal part of the internet data transmission. And the real time video transmission needs the most bandwidth resources, which is the issue the thesis focus on.
  11. However, in practical scientific life, three dimensional mesh stream data seem to be generated continuously. Thence it needs to be compressed timely in order to save transmission bandwidth and storage space.
  12. ASI interface is a standard TS stream transmission interface, with high data transmission rate and excellent reliability features for high-speed point to point data transmission, particularly in the data volume of video data transmission.
  13. Real-Time Stream Protocol provides a powerful technical support for network video surveillance system by applying the streaming media technology to achieve video data transmission. In this thesis, a solution of RTSP server in DVS system is presented.
  14. In addition, large amounts of structural information are also included in the data stream apart from data information, which may lead to high data dimension and therefore impose great pressure on network transmission.
  15. The complexity of the network environment leads to a strict requirement of data stream. Meantime, effective data stream control to ensure effective real-time transmission.